10 Thinks That Makye Me Happy! (Day 1 of 30 days of writing)
10 things that make me happy
Day 1 of 30 day writing challenge.
- Reagan telling me that she loves me more, and our "no way Jose!" battles.
- Getting the motivation and drive for change from situations I don't want to be in.
- Eating dinner at my parents house as a family, and just being together with them.
- Music and the way certain artists and lyrics dance their way into my soul it seems like.
- Looking at photos from previous years, my childhood, pregnancy, etc and reminiscing on how beautiful beginnings are, especially when love is involved.
- A pen, a notebook and some inspiration to help the pen to flow.
- Having those moments of stillness and realization that I need to take a step back when I get too far ahead of myself. Remembering in those moments where my heart is and where it was rooted from.
- The blessings of random epiphanies that God puts in my view of life, helping clear my eyes more than they were, and helping me to breathe a little slower.
- Brandon. He makes me a little crazy occasionally, but I wouldn't be me without him. He's written in my story all the way to the end. I can feel it.
- Freedom of self expression. Being comfortable enough with myself to express what I feel on the inside on the outside, and to stand out and be different.
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