The Affliction of Addiction.
I know the affliction of addiction. It has been a love/hate relationship, but one of which I have sadly, whether consciously or subconsciously chosen myself.
We addicts, are not powerless over drugs and alcohol, but instead weakened by the bait of escaping.
We pathologically make ourselves convinced that there is no other choice for us to make, we can't live without it, and self sabotage.
When I use, I begin to accept less and less for and from myself, and eventually become hallow and lost, feeling like I can't be saved.
Many addicts have not yet figured out how to understand and acknowledge the fact that drugs aren't the big problem in the world;
We are and when we can all finally admit that and believe it, we begin to realize real lies with real eyes.
We take what we want over what we need, and what we need is to just BE and not self impose suffering on ourselves.
Our physical human experience is about duality. While it may seem like we're out of control for experiencing such extremes of both ends of the spectrum, it was so we could truly appreciate love and kindness.
"For without dark there would be no light." - Finally awakened by becoming conscious from within rather than about external wants, I try and will continue to try choosing now what I desire because wants (hate) are clever and divides. While needs (love) are intelligent and includes.
They tell use that we are not unique or special, but that is wrong. Do not ever let anyone tell you that you're not special because you have a thinking disorder, or that your story isn't unique because they are all similar in spots. We are all different, unique and special. Nobodies story is the same, and we all have earned that by with whatever we went through in our lives.
So please do not sell yourselves short, and don't let anyone else do it either.
I am you,
You are me.
We all suffer together,
and we will all conquer together.
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